One of our favourite aspects of running a theatre company is the opportunity to work with talented artists across disciplines and locations. Theatre is an inherently collaborative platform combining multiple art disciplines into one storytelling piece.

We are passionate about bringing talented artists together, mixing local and touring talent to earn new skills and expanding our points of views. We embrace the opportunity to learn from one another, grow and develop together. Here is an overview of our collaborators. 


Markus Alanen Lighting Design

Margrét Arnardóttir Music

Ástþór Ágústsson Performing

Jófríður Ákadóttir Music

Hallvarður Ásgeirsson Music

Almar Atlason Performing

Daníel Þór Bjarnason Performing

René Boonekamp Performing

Edward Boott Performing

Léerin Campbell Performing

Michael Corcoran Lighting Design

Louis Crevier Art Direction

Arna Magnea Danks Performing

Luna del Egido Performing

Hallveig Kristín Eiríksdóttir Set Design

Adam El-Sharawy Photography

Kristín Edda Gylfadóttir Photography & Graphic Design

Melissa-Kelly Franklin Playwright

Unnar Helgi Halldórsson Stage Management

Sindri Þór Hannesson Lighting Design

Eva Björg Harðardóttir Set & Costume Design

Sasha Harrington Performing

Arnar Hauksson Performing

Miles Henry Sound Design

Tifanny Henwood Stage Management

Carrie Hitchman Stage Management

Sunna Dís Hjörleifsdóttir Performing

Auður Ingólfsdóttir Performing & Producing

Ashley Jones Performing

Hugrún Margrét Jensen Performing

Beatríz Justamante Performing

Catherine Kendal Performing

Sam Knight Stage Management

Pekka Koivisto Composer

Anna Ólöf Kristófersdóttir Photography

Marjo Lahti Performing

Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir Performing

Ásgrímur Geir Logason Performing

Juliette Louste Performing & Tech

Paul Matania Devising

Finlay McFarlane Performing

Suvi Nousiainen Producing

Urður Norðdahl Translation

Chris Nester Performing

Gísli Karl Ingvarsson Melberg Performing

Niamh Orr Performing & Devising

Kristian Pernilä Sound Design

Minerva Pietilä Dramaturgy

Ant Pelham Sound Design

Lucía Ros Performing

Rachael Ryan Set Design

Sonia Sars Filmmaking

Marco Schott Filmmaking

Lúcía Sigrún Costume Design

Áslaug Sigurðardóttir Costume Design

Baruch Sphigelman Lighting Design

Josh Spriggs Performing

Agnar Stefánsson Performing & Photography

Ella Wahlström Sound Design

Agnes Wild Performing

Anne Windsland Directing & Performing

Egill Kaktuz Þorkelsson Wild Performing

Simon Dodd Wild Filmmaking

Robin Paley Yorke Performing

Elise Flåten Øygaren Performing



Small theatre companies rely heavily on the in-kind support of venues and funding bodies.
We are grateful for the support we have received from the following:


If you are an artistic collaborator and would like to update your link, send us an email at:

If you are an artist interested in collaborating with us reach out through the same email. 
We keep resumes on file and advertise auditions and workshops on our social media and magazine. We have a policy of open casting for every production.