With the support of the European Union Erasmus+ and Reykjavík City funding we are now able to launch a full length version of our production Carroll: Berserkur at Iceland's independent theatre hub Tjarnarbio.
Tjarnarbio (Pond Cinema) was built in 1913 and was originally an ice storage for fishermen, the backstage was then used as Reykjavík's fire station, in WWII it was turned into a cinema, from which it became a lecture hall and a theatre. This versatile though small house is full of corners, floors, turns, spaces you need to crawl into to open sky ceiling hallways, which makes it an ideal location for our recontextualisation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland set to focus on the theme of identity: that which we hide, that which we present, the multifaceted nature of us all and our ever changing notion of Self.
In addition to our production we will now be able to travel with our workshop series The Performer and the Self which are centred on self acceptance, experimentation with different parts of your identity - in particular we encourage working with aspects we normally shy away from or choose not to present and finding the playfulness and performative potential within this fragment of our being. We are on a mission to create a feminist training practice, rid of hierarchy which embraces the entirety of the human instrument without value judgment on the various movement and vocal qualities. We believe the entirety of the human instrument must be explored playfully in order to portray a truthful range of human experiences.
We look forward to seeing you at our immersive theatre performance at Tjarnarbio this spring,
- Sóla Eva