Hæ Hó og Jibbí Jei
Wedding portrait of Ingibjörg Einarsdóttir and Jón Sigurðsson, leader of the Icelandic independence movement.
This article is just a little way of taking a moment to enjoy the summer and parades.
Hope you enjoyed Jón Sigurðsson's birthday yesterday, 17th June Icelanders celebrate independence with sugar, singing and hot dogs and more often than not a little rain.
“í lok dags
í öðru landi
græturðu yfir því
að hafa gleymt deginum
hrópar upp yfir þig að þú hafir ekki gert neitt þjóðlegt í dag
það er aldrei um seinan
segi ég
fæ mér kók og klóra mér í rassinum”
“At the end of the day
In a foreign country
You weep the fact
You forgot the day
Cry out that you didn’t do a single patriotic thing today
But it’s never too late
Says I
Grab a coke and scratch my bum”
- Sóla Eva